. . HomoSeksualin mos e pyte a je apo sje HomoSeksual se te thote vete me dukje. ja shikonja kozmetiken apo shminkatjete shikonja vothin e HomoSeksualve. shikonja syzate e femrave. shikonja rruarjene e Homov. shikonja veshen e thmive kapuqin. ky dhe kta jane kengetare POPu se jane MISS kengetare. dhe jane MAKE UP kengetare. krejte PIDHA jane.
Shikoni RAPerat e DUKAGJINIT. nuk kane kso budallaqe sikur kta te prishtines,tiranes,shkupit. DUKAGJINasit nuk MAKE UPen. nuk lyhen e ngjyhen si HomoSeksual. nuk ndojne vothe e laneca zingjir etj kso budallaqe te HomoSeksualve. edhe DUKAGJINasit nuk kane rroja apo mjekra HomoSeksuale. por kane MUSTAQE burrash. shikoni RAPerat DUKAGJINas sa origjinal dhe paqe flasine e kendojne. jane shume te kuptusheme ne SHQIP. nuk thone si ju ne vende te 'R'-'RR'. nuk thone DUKAGJINasit 'PERR'apo'PORR' por thone 'PER'dhe'POR' dhe nuk thone 'KURR'por thone 'KUR' DUKAGJINasit po e flasin gjuhen e vertete SHQIPE. por ju andeje gjyse serbishte e gjyse gjuhe HomoSeksuale dhe KURVE. ju nuk jeni 'R'ha po jeni 'RR'ha. na plasete me kete gjuhe RRehi zhdukne ndonje dite RRehin krejte e flitni edhe ju sikur na ORIGJINAL SHQIP. dhe mos kendoni mo per HomoKurva . se na mytete krejte me HomoKurvenizem. dhe benu te menqur vete mos kopjoni INSTRUMENTALat e huje po beni te juajte nga mendja juaje. dhe fjelete po i kopjoni te huajate mos i kopjoni te huajate po zbuloni nna veti. se me muzik HomoKurve dhe me kopjime bini poshte gjithe here po mesoni edhe ju muzik AGRESIVE sikur DUKAGJINi. dhe nese mesoni sikur DUKAGJINi atehere ni dite kini me na faliminderu per kshillen apo lekcionin qe jave jape DUKAGJINI.
HEJ DJ BLUNT je me i miri, krejt Kosova i ndegjon kenget e tua duke e perfshi edhe UDD-ën, po ky vet na qenka deshtak edhe po te shanë, mos ta ndien je me i miri,ciao
ja u qift prishtina e prishtinalit motrat ne goj krejt dukagjini po ju katunar tkarit jeni o klloshar krejt neve na kopjoni . ta qift "llaneci" nanen tqifsha motren e kllosharve tkarit se ju vuni me kon shkije krejt pejont e karit . qini motrat se prishtinalit krejt pidhat e dukagjinit i qijn e ju i merrni per kra. hahahha (H) qao a . qishtu nana jote qine mtoren krejt dukagjini a po qe smuni mi qi motrat e juve ju ja u qijm na so problem ;) se edhe ashtu i qijm hehe
. . dj blunt me vjene mire qe po e dishe qe DUKAGJINi jane katunar te rritesh ne katun rriteshe i vertete qishk qe qine po te rriteshe ne qytete rriteshe HomoSeksual e Kurv ne katune jane populli mishe i forte tamame burrerie ndersa ne qytete jane mishe i bute pule HomoKurve
. . dj blunt per shki i kemi do te ngujuare ne kisha dhe jane shume te sigurte nga ruajtja e kforite por te ju endene lirsheme pa kfor po te na qeta qe jane ne kisha po kemi qejfe me i qite bethte ne ledine por nuk po e bejne kete e ne me pa vujte me qene shki ne nuk i kishime vra e ase ndjke por te ne eshte deshmue se jemi PATRIOTe e ju e kini deshmue vetene e sidomose mitrovica ne kohene e luftese burrate e mitrovicese kane ik me shume se grate ne megrime pse sote ushtrite private te DUKAGJINITe oporonjne ne teritorin e mitrovices e deri ne serbi mbi kufirin e kosoves pse pase lufte DUKAGJINasite i lutene njerzte andeje preje jushe ti bashkohene por nuk deshtene se andeje ka krejte ''GRA''frigacaka sot ushtarete e DUKAGJINite operojne edhe te smure nga ftohjete dhe ata po bejne mundi shume te madhe sot per toke te juajene dhe toke SHQIPETARE e ti me share apo me flite per DUKAGJINine gabone shume por ne e une e kushe do i DUKAGJINite qe flete pere ju ka te drejte te flete sepse flasime gjerate e verteta ashtu siqe jane se ju keni qene jeni dhe kini me qene ''TRADHTARe''gjithehere.
. . dj blunt qa eshte kjo hahahaha e qeshure e HomoSeksualve po duhete DUKAGJINi me ju mesue edhe me qeshe tjetere here qeshe'ni si burra keshtu hohohoho.
oo ti qishha roptt n`pidhh po qa karin tem din tih breh ta qifsha moTrenn e dukaGjinasitt ta qifsha kabiLjen n`pidh haLa buzt tameL t`qeSsin e wjenn ktuhh mem kaLLxu qkka oshtt repii ta qifsha famiLjenn ani homokurva!!!Ta qifsha famiLjen e t`prapambetuniTT :S:S:S.Shko qije nannen pi tameL e rritu tani hajde kaLLxom mue per repp xDxDxD
UDD eshte i prapambetur se po doket prej komenteve, edhe homoseksual eshte se u myt gjynahit tuj shkru veq neper rubrika te meshkujve, po nuk ke qfar i bën, edhe vet po hyn po shkrun komente per vete kishe qe dikush po e lavdon UDD-en po ja bon vetit rrafsh, kurvani ncncncnc.
U.D.D.ja nuk po shane ne familje se e ka mendjene e te sharave dhe e te zhdukurave te HomoSeksualve dhe Kurvav. po ti nese je jo HomoSeksual apo Kurv atehere pse po frigoheshe nga U.D.D.ja e po dergone mesazhe anonim sikur HomoSeksualet e Kurvate dergo idintitete te vertete sikure U.D.D.ja dhe tregohu i vertete apo e vertete jo HomoSeksual apo Kurv Frigacak'e Tuc'e Dhijan'e Shkulan'e e shehe se i tuteshe shume U.D.D.s po sje i zoti ase qytetin e vertete me e tregue po shkrune rrena SHKUL tashe nuk ki me i shkrue kurr mo U.D.D.s se dhihesh. e nese je trim'e atehere kerko me u takue me U.D.D.n e tregohu atehere burr po mos u trego ktu femer me taka e cica.
E sa per lavdada te mijate nese i kisha shkrue vetite Blogu e kishe dite per mese kodeve te rrjetite po blogu e dine nga i vine ato mesazhe dhe i di adresat po dikushe ka thone te pranvera se blogu e ka shtie ne faqe te pare U.D.D.n e kur e kome pa edhe vete jame qudite sepse jame pelqyre te ata njerze qe me kane lavdrue dhe jame urrejte te ata njerze qe nuk me kane deshte nuk i shkruaje kurr lavdata vetite se zbulona nga blogu sikur blogu qe ka zbulue Labin Adelinen etj.
dj blunt a po e shehe se edhe HomoSeksualet te duan ja shikoje edhe HomoSeksuali Labi i 21enishit te do ty dhe ti i pelqen Labit se HomoSeksuali e do HomoSeksualin shikoje edhe vete mesazhin e Labit me 30-2008,10;51 AM .
shu desing kompesing shoko ahhahha zemer bone pak me nxet qekjo keng oshte hit forever veq para dj blunf se je ma i miri ne kosov e ne ballkan e qija nanen kush te ka inati qoja familjen se je shum pidh nanen kur te jesh em getin e ke ndor edhe shtetin edhe infinitat jam me ty qao qao te du dj blund
. . Ja nisi njona me ma prishe timin e duhanit po kur kish pyte mire kushe eshte U.D.D.ja e la timin te shkoje ka te doje te qije se ate e kapi lezeti per mua lezeti i friges. . .
. . dj blondin ne foton e dyte kushe eshte ka ta QI Bethen mbrapa apo mos eshte ka ta shti gishtin ne bire bethe kushe qe je perkule ashtu sikur HomoSeksuali apo mos ja ki kthye bethte kujdo apo kush do qe te hype e shehe se vertete ti po e tregone vetene se je HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . HomoSeksual . .
. . Besa me ka ardhe ni ide qe te shkruaje edhe ty ni RAP'kange si shume te tjerve se per ty e tjere thane po flitete shume atje poshte jo veqe ne popullate po edhe ne media me gjerate qe po i shkruaje ne BLOGe te ndryshme per ju e une do ta shkruaje kengene se si po ju qese poshte ne Kare me muziken e juaje te vjedhur . PopHomoKurve . .
aii qyky far symadhii kokaaa aaa une kesh ne kosov ne pushim ne gusht kesh me nje ruseee femer e kam ky i hapke syt si karuc nncnc po du me ju than qitash pe njof qe koka kongtar kosoves se se ngoj ket far lopeee ky osht kali banates hgagha sit i kisha qij nanne bok e kisha lan ntok ket farr llamerii hgahga ma mir mej ngu bijt e sef mleqanit se ket o dridhe bythen ah dridhe nana jote ta qifshin nanen kre china lopo ik llamersi karit fuck your muzik okeyyy
aii qyky far symadhii kokaaa aaa une kesh ne kosov ne pushim ne gusht kesh me nje ruseee femer e kam ky i hapke syt si karuc nncnc po du me ju than qitash pe njof qe koka kongtar kosoves se se ngoj ket far lopeee ky osht kali banates hgagha sit i kisha qij nanne bok e kisha lan ntok ket farr llamerii hgahga ma mir mej ngu bijt e sef mleqanit se ket o dridhe bythen ah dridhe nana jote ta qifshin nanen kre china lopo ik llamersi karit fuck your muzik okeyyy
"UDD" FUCK U STUPID HATER BITCH!! ahahaha sa mire...sjon normal a...qysh pi vika inati ahahah dekaaaaaaaa
u now I got u!
DJ BLUNT #1 DJ fuck omerta,fuck kejt haters e shqipnis,fuck kejt haters e kosoves,futjau karin man...e di qe nuk t'han per qisi njerz man mos ta ndin ;)
e ti qe the ma ka kqyr femnen hahahahooo zot me pa ti qfar femne munet me pas ky ti dek o daj,besom a.o lop njeri.garant e ka kqyr ka than qy qfar femne e qy qfar papaku ky tipi ahahaha FUCK U TOO!
o ti UDD o LOP-dukagjini PASH FAMILJEN a po menon ti qe DJ BLUNT vjen qitu edhe tshkrun ty a?????????????????????????????? hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha
ja u qift prishtina e prishtinalit motrat ne goj krejt dukagjini po ju katunar tkarit jeni o klloshar krejt neve na kopjoni . ta qift "llaneci" nanen tqifsha motren e kllosharve tkarit se ju vuni me kon shkije krejt pejont e karit . qini motrat se
prishtinalit krejt pidhat e dukagjinit i qijn e ju i merrni per kra. hahahha (H) qao a!!
ky so reper, po DJ masi spe dishe as qa bon ky qa mutin po qet foto t'tij ktu o papak.far gllupi o daj.
qisi sene veq te shqiptart ka pasha zotin a....se kan qef kur jon ANOMIN me hanger SHUM MUT PER NJERZ TJER QI SI NJOHIN...!!
ti UDD,ta qifsha dukargjinin ty,ti kishe dal para ftyre ishe DHI NBREKT e nanes tane qe i vesh,ntanga,se e kom pa nanen tane,e di qfar brek vesh,veq edhe ma mir di qysh i DESH se!!
dj blunt ma i miri je man,mos t'ha raki ty per haters ;)
ei ti UDD un e njoh bluntin personalisht o PIDH! masi ja paske nis me shkru mas veres....e ka pas 1 femen tPejes hahahaha mos u kan motra jote pahiri??????????a nana??? e per qat "textin" qe e kishe shkru,garant babes ton ja paske shkru,e tash po ki qef blunti me ta bo 1 beat a po???po de,pe di man...muj me vet a munet me ta bo 1beat ndash!qysh dush njeri ta qifsha pidhin e nanes ty!
LabiCic e paske dhi qitash krejt U.D.D.kshtu shkrun e jo kshtu si ti U.D.D U.D.D.kshtu shkrun U.D.D.;DEQAN'I-DUKAGJIN'I. e jo kshtu si ti U.D.D.;DEQAN'I-DUKAGJIN'I U.D.D.shkrun ne PM e jo ne AM msohu tash ti e tjerte se si me kopju e me rrejt kishe po shkrun U.D.D.ja nuk kame shkru mo per ty se me ka ardhe gjynah se e kome teprue me ty edhe pse je HOMO. e ti shkruje sa te duashe kishe U.D.D. po perrkrah DJ Blondinen. une me pare kame shkrue per qata qa i urreje e due nuk ndroje mene kurr.
:::;a je kshyr naj her ne pasqyre o peder ma i madh ne ks::: veq adhuruesit e tu me siguri te dojn se i ke qi motrat e adhuruesve te tu se ski mut ne bith ti o pidh i shtremt shko qiju me shokt e tu hala hupppppppppp more se ski pare me honger buk
HomoSeksualin mos e pyte a je apo sje HomoSeksual se te thote vete me dukje. ja shikonja kozmetiken apo shminkatjete shikonja vothin e HomoSeksualve. shikonja syzate e femrave. shikonja rruarjene e Homov. shikonja veshen e thmive kapuqin. ky dhe kta jane kengetare POPu se jane MISS kengetare. dhe jane MAKE UP kengetare. krejte PIDHA jane.
Shikoni RAPerat e DUKAGJINIT. nuk kane kso budallaqe sikur kta te prishtines,tiranes,shkupit. DUKAGJINasit nuk MAKE UPen. nuk lyhen e ngjyhen si HomoSeksual. nuk ndojne vothe e laneca zingjir etj kso budallaqe te HomoSeksualve. edhe DUKAGJINasit nuk kane rroja apo mjekra HomoSeksuale. por kane MUSTAQE burrash. shikoni RAPerat DUKAGJINas sa origjinal dhe paqe flasine e kendojne. jane shume te kuptusheme ne SHQIP. nuk thone si ju ne vende te 'R'-'RR'. nuk thone DUKAGJINasit 'PERR'apo'PORR' por thone 'PER'dhe'POR' dhe nuk thone 'KURR'por thone 'KUR' DUKAGJINasit po e flasin gjuhen e vertete SHQIPE. por ju andeje gjyse serbishte e gjyse gjuhe HomoSeksuale dhe KURVE. ju nuk jeni 'R'ha po jeni 'RR'ha. na plasete me kete gjuhe RRehi zhdukne ndonje dite RRehin krejte e flitni edhe ju sikur na ORIGJINAL SHQIP. dhe mos kendoni mo per HomoKurva . se na mytete krejte me HomoKurvenizem. dhe benu te menqur vete mos kopjoni INSTRUMENTALat e huje po beni te juajte nga mendja juaje. dhe fjelete po i kopjoni te huajate mos i kopjoni te huajate po zbuloni nna veti. se me muzik HomoKurve dhe me kopjime bini poshte gjithe here po mesoni edhe ju muzik AGRESIVE sikur DUKAGJINi. dhe nese mesoni sikur DUKAGJINi atehere ni dite kini me na faliminderu per kshillen apo lekcionin qe jave jape DUKAGJINI
hey mirdita njehere por sa per dj blunt asqe eshte gay e dyta nqs je per vete mos u mundo ti besh te tjeret ok "peace out" man.And don't disturbe dj BLUNT
Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili
Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili Bunjaku Merita Halili Bunjaku Merita Halili
Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili
shum ifort bravo je 1-sh reperi ma mir bravo edhe qikjo kanga e re me sonin shim e mir tash hajde vizitoje pak prizren e kno para krjt prizrenit ne qender sportive
hej ma mir mos folni shum per dukagjin se me jav majt ishi ardh e e kishi shkru emrin pra mos u perzini me neve a ma mir e kini e leni keyto tema e mos e flliqni web faqen se marre me ju ardh per djalet si jeni ka i folni a mu po me vjen marre per juve turp me pas
o ky osht lop krejt sdi kush e don more ky lop ma e mengme lopa se kang qe ky po qitke kukuuu ahahahh mos e ngoni pash zotin se tulifar katunari ju ka tek me knu sdi dj blunt a mos je shurdhu me zanin tond te gugjavt kerkun nuk ki me shku
Fuck'it krejt Prishtinen krejt Mitrovic e Gjilan e gjdo PidhVan se Dukagjini oshte nr1nja ska ma mire se me qene Dukagjinas tjerat vende jane krejt Kurva
Fuck'it krejt Prishtinen krejt Mitrovic e Gjilan e gjdo PidhVan se Dukagjini oshte nr1nja ska ma mire se me qene Dukagjinas tjerat vende jane krejt Kurva
hey o dukagjin qysh spot vjen marre more tum(MUT) se edhe ti po e flet gjuhen shqipe e po na ofendon neve ani kishe po di diqka na folum ndyrshe e anej knejse kerkush prej shqiptarve nuk thot PERR dhe PORR po thojn Për dhe Por oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kukuku t'kisha myt a
hey o dakagjin tumi qi pom shtin met ofendu qysh po na ofendon ti neve qysh spot vjen marre more tum qi edhe ti po e flet gjuhen shqipe sikur na e po na ofendon neve.As na nuk thojna Porr dhe Perr po thojna normal si shqiptart tjer qysh na ka hije POR edhe PëR marre duhet met ardh nuk e mbron gjuhen e vet MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE PO JAV MERR FYTYREN EDHE ATDHEUT TON CNNCCNCNCNCNNCNCN MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE MARRE
mos e pyte a je apo sje HomoSeksual
se te thote vete me dukje.
ja shikonja kozmetiken apo shminkatjete
shikonja vothin e HomoSeksualve.
shikonja syzate e femrave.
shikonja rruarjene e Homov.
shikonja veshen e thmive kapuqin.
ky dhe kta jane kengetare POPu
se jane MISS kengetare.
dhe jane MAKE UP kengetare.
krejte PIDHA jane.
Shikoni RAPerat e DUKAGJINIT.
nuk kane kso budallaqe sikur kta te prishtines,tiranes,shkupit.
nuk lyhen e ngjyhen si HomoSeksual.
nuk ndojne vothe e laneca zingjir etj kso budallaqe te HomoSeksualve.
edhe DUKAGJINasit nuk kane rroja apo mjekra HomoSeksuale.
por kane MUSTAQE burrash.
shikoni RAPerat DUKAGJINas
sa origjinal dhe paqe flasine e kendojne.
jane shume te kuptusheme ne SHQIP.
nuk thone si ju ne vende te 'R'-'RR'.
nuk thone DUKAGJINasit
'PERR'apo'PORR' por thone
dhe nuk thone 'KURR'por thone 'KUR'
DUKAGJINasit po e flasin gjuhen e vertete SHQIPE.
por ju andeje gjyse serbishte e gjyse gjuhe
HomoSeksuale dhe KURVE.
ju nuk jeni 'R'ha po jeni 'RR'ha.
na plasete me kete gjuhe RRehi
zhdukne ndonje dite RRehin krejte e flitni edhe ju sikur na ORIGJINAL SHQIP.
dhe mos kendoni mo per HomoKurva .
se na mytete krejte me HomoKurvenizem.
dhe benu te menqur vete mos kopjoni INSTRUMENTALat e huje po beni te juajte nga mendja juaje.
dhe fjelete po i kopjoni te huajate
mos i kopjoni te huajate po zbuloni nna veti.
se me muzik HomoKurve dhe me kopjime
bini poshte gjithe here
po mesoni edhe ju muzik AGRESIVE sikur DUKAGJINi.
dhe nese mesoni sikur DUKAGJINi
atehere ni dite kini me na faliminderu per kshillen apo lekcionin
qe jave jape DUKAGJINI.
mesoni sikur DUKAGJINi.
behuni sikur DUKAGJINi.
HEJ DJ BLUNT je me i miri, krejt Kosova i ndegjon kenget e tua duke e perfshi edhe UDD-ën, po ky vet na qenka deshtak edhe po te shanë, mos ta ndien je me i miri,ciao
LABI i 21 eshte i dashuri i DJ BLUNT
jo more e paske gabu se edhe UDD është keta shkojn në treshe, hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteDJ BLUNT po e QIKE keq LABIN
ReplyDeleteja u qift prishtina e prishtinalit motrat ne goj krejt dukagjini po ju katunar tkarit jeni o klloshar krejt neve na kopjoni . ta qift "llaneci" nanen tqifsha motren e kllosharve tkarit se ju vuni me kon shkije krejt pejont e karit . qini motrat se prishtinalit krejt pidhat e dukagjinit i qijn e ju i merrni per kra. hahahha (H) qao a . qishtu nana jote qine mtoren krejt dukagjini a po qe smuni mi qi motrat e juve ju ja u qijm na so problem ;) se edhe ashtu i qijm hehe
dj blund
qa eshte ne zingjir aje kapuqe
i popit artemije ortodoks
mos ki ndru fe je bere ortodoks
dj blunt
me vjene mire qe po e dishe qe
DUKAGJINi jane katunar
te rritesh ne katun
rriteshe i vertete
qishk qe qine
po te rriteshe ne qytete
rriteshe HomoSeksual e Kurv
ne katune jane populli mishe i forte
tamame burrerie
ndersa ne qytete jane
mishe i bute pule HomoKurve
dj blunt
per shki i kemi do te ngujuare ne kisha
dhe jane shume te sigurte nga ruajtja e kforite
por te ju endene lirsheme pa kfor
po te na qeta qe jane ne kisha
po kemi qejfe me i qite bethte ne ledine
por nuk po e bejne kete
e ne me pa vujte me qene shki
ne nuk i kishime vra e ase ndjke
por te ne eshte deshmue se jemi
e ju e kini deshmue vetene e sidomose mitrovica
ne kohene e luftese burrate e mitrovicese
kane ik me shume se grate ne megrime
pse sote ushtrite private te DUKAGJINITe oporonjne ne teritorin e mitrovices e deri ne serbi mbi kufirin e kosoves
pse pase lufte DUKAGJINasite
i lutene njerzte andeje preje jushe
ti bashkohene por nuk deshtene se andeje ka krejte ''GRA''frigacaka
sot ushtarete e DUKAGJINite operojne edhe te smure nga ftohjete
dhe ata po bejne mundi shume te madhe sot per toke te juajene dhe toke SHQIPETARE
e ti me share apo me flite per DUKAGJINine
gabone shume
por ne e une e kushe do i DUKAGJINite qe flete pere ju ka te drejte te flete sepse flasime gjerate e verteta ashtu siqe jane
se ju keni qene jeni dhe kini me qene ''TRADHTARe''gjithehere.
dj blunt
qa eshte kjo hahahaha e qeshure e HomoSeksualve
po duhete DUKAGJINi me ju mesue edhe me qeshe
tjetere here qeshe'ni si burra
keshtu hohohoho.
oo ti qishha roptt n`pidhh po qa karin tem din tih breh ta qifsha moTrenn e dukaGjinasitt ta qifsha kabiLjen n`pidh haLa buzt tameL t`qeSsin e wjenn ktuhh mem kaLLxu qkka oshtt repii ta qifsha famiLjenn ani homokurva!!!Ta qifsha famiLjen e t`prapambetuniTT :S:S:S.Shko qije nannen pi tameL e rritu tani hajde kaLLxom mue per repp xDxDxD
ReplyDeleteUDD eshte i prapambetur se po doket prej komenteve, edhe homoseksual eshte se u myt gjynahit tuj shkru veq neper rubrika te meshkujve, po nuk ke qfar i bën, edhe vet po hyn po shkrun komente per vete kishe qe dikush po e lavdon UDD-en po ja bon vetit rrafsh, kurvani ncncncnc.
ReplyDeleteU.D.D.ja nuk po shane ne familje
ReplyDeletese e ka mendjene e te sharave dhe e te zhdukurave te HomoSeksualve
dhe Kurvav.
po ti nese je jo HomoSeksual apo Kurv
atehere pse po frigoheshe nga U.D.D.ja
e po dergone mesazhe anonim sikur HomoSeksualet e Kurvate
dergo idintitete te vertete sikure U.D.D.ja
dhe tregohu i vertete apo e vertete
jo HomoSeksual apo Kurv
Frigacak'e Tuc'e Dhijan'e Shkulan'e
e shehe se i tuteshe shume U.D.D.s
po sje i zoti ase qytetin e vertete me e tregue po shkrune rrena SHKUL
tashe nuk ki me i shkrue kurr mo U.D.D.s se dhihesh.
e nese je trim'e
atehere kerko me u takue me U.D.D.n
e tregohu atehere burr po mos u trego ktu femer me taka e cica.
E sa per lavdada te mijate nese i kisha shkrue vetite Blogu e kishe dite per mese kodeve te rrjetite
ReplyDeletepo blogu e dine nga i vine ato mesazhe dhe i di adresat
po dikushe ka thone te pranvera se blogu e ka shtie ne faqe te pare U.D.D.n
e kur e kome pa edhe vete jame qudite sepse jame pelqyre te ata njerze qe me kane lavdrue dhe jame urrejte te ata njerze qe nuk me kane deshte
nuk i shkruaje kurr lavdata vetite
se zbulona nga blogu
sikur blogu qe ka zbulue Labin Adelinen etj.
o LabiKurv
ReplyDeletemos shkruaje ketu me flliq
dj blunt
ReplyDeletea po e shehe se edhe HomoSeksualet te duan
ja shikoje edhe HomoSeksuali Labi i 21enishit
te do ty dhe ti i pelqen Labit
se HomoSeksuali e do HomoSeksualin
shikoje edhe vete mesazhin e Labit
me 30-2008,10;51 AM .
apo shikoje mesazhet tjera te HomoLabit
ReplyDeleteme 19-2008,6;19,AM
21-2008, 5;20,AM
shu desing kompesing shoko ahhahha zemer bone pak me nxet qekjo keng oshte hit forever veq para dj blunf se je ma i miri ne kosov e ne ballkan e qija nanen kush te ka inati qoja familjen se je shum pidh nanen kur te jesh em getin e ke ndor edhe shtetin edhe infinitat jam me ty qao qao te du dj blund
Ja nisi njona me ma prishe timin e duhanit po kur kish pyte mire kushe eshte U.D.D.ja
e la timin te shkoje ka te doje te qije
se ate e kapi lezeti per mua
lezeti i friges.
dj blondin
ne foton e dyte
kushe eshte ka ta QI Bethen mbrapa
apo mos eshte ka ta shti gishtin ne bire bethe kushe
qe je perkule ashtu sikur HomoSeksuali
apo mos ja ki kthye bethte kujdo
apo kush do qe te hype
e shehe se vertete ti po e tregone vetene se je HomoSeksual
Besa me ka ardhe ni ide qe te shkruaje edhe ty ni RAP'kange
si shume te tjerve
se per ty e tjere thane po flitete shume atje poshte
jo veqe ne popullate po edhe ne media
me gjerate qe po i shkruaje ne BLOGe te ndryshme per ju
e une do ta shkruaje kengene se si po ju qese poshte ne Kare me muziken e juaje te vjedhur
aii qyky far symadhii kokaaa aaa une kesh ne kosov ne pushim ne gusht kesh me nje ruseee femer e kam ky i hapke syt si karuc nncnc po du me ju than qitash pe njof qe koka kongtar kosoves se se ngoj ket far lopeee ky osht kali banates hgagha sit i kisha qij nanne bok e kisha lan ntok ket farr llamerii hgahga ma mir mej ngu bijt e sef mleqanit se ket o dridhe bythen ah dridhe nana jote ta qifshin nanen kre china lopo ik llamersi karit fuck your muzik okeyyy
ReplyDeleteaii qyky far symadhii kokaaa aaa une kesh ne kosov ne pushim ne gusht kesh me nje ruseee femer e kam ky i hapke syt si karuc nncnc po du me ju than qitash pe njof qe koka kongtar kosoves se se ngoj ket far lopeee ky osht kali banates hgagha sit i kisha qij nanne bok e kisha lan ntok ket farr llamerii hgahga ma mir mej ngu bijt e sef mleqanit se ket o dridhe bythen ah dridhe nana jote ta qifshin nanen kre china lopo ik llamersi karit fuck your muzik okeyyy
ReplyDeletessdddii qkaaame thann.:A:A ii foortt jee ssii DJ sskka kushh t del knnej keerkuush:D(Y). peeerparaa.(Y)(Y). LLaappy.1
ReplyDelete** one in history.
mate fortit aa dj blunt t3nt apo don keshh
ReplyDeletehajt babo mos t'ha kari qa thojn kta se 1 je :P.
hej kuke hej more po kejt femnta e dojn labin ty nuk te bjen ne ren u te kish pshty niher hemo seksuali
njeri edhe dj ma tmir se Blunti ska!
ti UDD garant ti i paske qit qito foto o lop njeri!
ReplyDeleteti skoke normal pasha familjen!
ta paska qi motren a diqka se shum ja paske inati U FUCKIN BITCH!
po kerkushi sje UDD
edhe ky so reper po DJ :/
ta qifsha ty dukagjinin!
ReplyDeletemut njeri koke!!
kejt energjin e hargjove tu hanger mut qitu...pom vjen gjynah pej teje pak vallain!!!
pa hajgare
im just a hater yall...
ReplyDeletei just wanna be like dj blunt n i know that i never can be like him...
its so dad,my life sucks yo
love ur music dj!
keep doing ur thing!
mos msoni si duKARgjini
ReplyDeletemos u boni si duPIDHgjini
je ma i miri man hiq mos ta nin,se kush tnjeh veq pak e din je njeri shume shume i mire!
per muzik mos tfolum hiq!Ska dj mat mir nÄÄÄÄVROP
love u my dude!
ReplyDeleteahahaha sa mire...sjon normal a...qysh pi vika inati ahahah dekaaaaaaaa
bravo BLUNT
u now I got u!
fuck omerta,fuck kejt haters e shqipnis,fuck kejt haters e kosoves,futjau karin man...e di qe nuk t'han per qisi njerz man
mos ta ndin ;)
e ti qe the ma ka kqyr femnen hahahahooo zot me pa ti qfar femne munet me pas ky ti dek o daj,besom a.o lop njeri.garant e ka kqyr ka than qy qfar femne e qy qfar papaku ky tipi ahahaha FUCK U TOO!
o ti UDD o LOP-dukagjini
ReplyDeletePASH FAMILJEN a po menon ti qe DJ BLUNT vjen qitu edhe tshkrun ty a??????????????????????????????
www.myspace.com/djblunti veq per ty o kurv
ja u qift prishtina e prishtinalit motrat ne goj krejt dukagjini po ju katunar tkarit jeni o klloshar krejt neve na kopjoni . ta qift "llaneci" nanen tqifsha motren e kllosharve tkarit se ju vuni me kon shkije krejt pejont e karit . qini motrat se
ReplyDeleteprishtinalit krejt pidhat e dukagjinit i qijn e ju i merrni per kra. hahahha (H) qao a!!
sa mire e paska than :D
o KUSHI,ti qe i ke qit fotot ooooooo DUD!
ReplyDeleteky so reper, po DJ
masi spe dishe as qa bon ky qa mutin po qet foto t'tij ktu o papak.far gllupi o daj.
qisi sene veq te shqiptart ka pasha zotin a....se kan qef kur jon ANOMIN me hanger SHUM MUT PER NJERZ TJER QI SI NJOHIN...!!
ti UDD,ta qifsha dukargjinin ty,ti kishe dal para ftyre ishe DHI NBREKT e nanes tane qe i vesh,ntanga,se e kom pa nanen tane,e di qfar brek vesh,veq edhe ma mir di qysh i DESH se!!
dj blunt ma i miri je man,mos t'ha raki ty per haters ;)
dj blunt ma i miri je
ReplyDeleteur biggest fan U.D.D :)
ei ti UDD un e njoh bluntin personalisht o PIDH!
ReplyDeletemasi ja paske nis me shkru mas veres....e ka pas 1 femen tPejes hahahaha mos u kan motra jote pahiri??????????a nana???
e per qat "textin" qe e kishe shkru,garant babes ton ja paske shkru,e tash po ki qef blunti me ta bo 1 beat a po???po de,pe di man...muj me vet a munet me ta bo 1beat ndash!qysh dush njeri
ta qifsha pidhin e nanes ty!
po de qaj "symadhi" ta ka qi qat femnen perqata tka kqyr qashtu!
ReplyDeletema i miri o (A)
ReplyDeletee paske dhi qitash krejt
U.D.D.kshtu shkrun
e jo kshtu si ti U.D.D
U.D.D.kshtu shkrun
e jo kshtu si ti
U.D.D.shkrun ne PM
e jo ne AM
msohu tash ti e tjerte
se si me kopju
e me rrejt
kishe po shkrun U.D.D.ja
nuk kame shkru mo per ty
se me ka ardhe gjynah
se e kome teprue me ty edhe pse je HOMO.
e ti shkruje sa te duashe kishe U.D.D.
po perrkrah DJ Blondinen.
une me pare kame shkrue per qata qa i urreje e due
nuk ndroje mene kurr.
OOOOOO njeri ma i FOrti je Nanen atynve qe ta kan inaTI ;)
ReplyDelete:::;a je kshyr naj her ne pasqyre o peder ma i madh ne ks::: veq adhuruesit e tu me siguri te dojn se i ke qi motrat e adhuruesve te tu se ski mut ne bith ti o pidh i shtremt shko qiju me shokt e tu hala hupppppppppp more se ski pare me honger buk
ReplyDeletehey dj blond svyni per sen tba ju shkatrroj ska me rrebelin edhe me mu a.k.r (army-kumanova-record) 3_bunal@live.com
ReplyDeleted.a.sh.i-ku@live.com add jem
kshire tingulli3nt po fundos babes une ka me ju varros sa her qe vi ne kumanovc e qoj qeoj termet tingulli3nt se dii ku met ju qiva motrat
ReplyDeletemos e pyte a je apo sje HomoSeksual
se te thote vete me dukje.
ja shikonja kozmetiken apo shminkatjete
shikonja vothin e HomoSeksualve.
shikonja syzate e femrave.
shikonja rruarjene e Homov.
shikonja veshen e thmive kapuqin.
ky dhe kta jane kengetare POPu
se jane MISS kengetare.
dhe jane MAKE UP kengetare.
krejte PIDHA jane.
Shikoni RAPerat e DUKAGJINIT.
nuk kane kso budallaqe sikur kta te prishtines,tiranes,shkupit.
nuk lyhen e ngjyhen si HomoSeksual.
nuk ndojne vothe e laneca zingjir etj kso budallaqe te HomoSeksualve.
edhe DUKAGJINasit nuk kane rroja apo mjekra HomoSeksuale.
por kane MUSTAQE burrash.
shikoni RAPerat DUKAGJINas
sa origjinal dhe paqe flasine e kendojne.
jane shume te kuptusheme ne SHQIP.
nuk thone si ju ne vende te 'R'-'RR'.
nuk thone DUKAGJINasit
'PERR'apo'PORR' por thone
dhe nuk thone 'KURR'por thone 'KUR'
DUKAGJINasit po e flasin gjuhen e vertete SHQIPE.
por ju andeje gjyse serbishte e gjyse gjuhe
HomoSeksuale dhe KURVE.
ju nuk jeni 'R'ha po jeni 'RR'ha.
na plasete me kete gjuhe RRehi
zhdukne ndonje dite RRehin krejte e flitni edhe ju sikur na ORIGJINAL SHQIP.
dhe mos kendoni mo per HomoKurva .
se na mytete krejte me HomoKurvenizem.
dhe benu te menqur vete mos kopjoni INSTRUMENTALat e huje po beni te juajte nga mendja juaje.
dhe fjelete po i kopjoni te huajate
mos i kopjoni te huajate po zbuloni nna veti.
se me muzik HomoKurve dhe me kopjime
bini poshte gjithe here
po mesoni edhe ju muzik AGRESIVE sikur DUKAGJINi.
dhe nese mesoni sikur DUKAGJINi
atehere ni dite kini me na faliminderu per kshillen apo lekcionin
qe jave jape DUKAGJINI
hey mirdita njehere por sa per dj blunt asqe eshte gay e dyta nqs je per vete mos u mundo ti besh te tjeret ok "peace out" man.And don't disturbe dj BLUNT
ReplyDeleteDigital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
ReplyDeletePhotos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili
Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
ReplyDeletePhotos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
Photos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili Bunjaku Merita Halili Bunjaku Merita Halili
Digital photography, as opposed to film photography, uses electronic devices to record and capture the image as binary data. This facilitates storage and editing of the images on personal computers, and also the ability to show and delete unsuccessful images immediately on the camera or software itself. Digital cameras now outsell film cameras and include features that are not found in film cameras such as the ability to shoot video and record audio. Some other devices, such as mobile phones, now include digital photography features. The quality of a digital image is the sum of various factors, many of which are similar to film cameras. Pixel count (typically listed in megapixels, millions of pixels) is only one of the major factors, though it is the most heavily marketed. Pixel count metrics were created by the marketing organizations of digital camera manufacturers because consumers can use it to easily compare camera capabilities. It is not, however, the major factor in evaluating a digital camera. The processing system inside the camera that turns the raw data into a color-balanced and pleasing photograph is the most critical, which is why some 4+ megapixel cameras perform better than higher-end cameras.
ReplyDeletePhotos Coming Soon
PHOTOS COMING SOON - Antigona Sejdiu Arian Selmani Adelina Ismajli Beka Dea Macula Edona Llalloshi Ema Smajli Etno Engjujt (G-E) Shkurte Fejza - Fisnikt - Hana Band - Lori - Machiato Band - Miranda Hashani - Naser Tmava - Nusran Fera Adelina Ismaili Adelina Thaqi Adem Ramadani Adrian Gaxha Albnore Durmishi Demaku Afrim Muqiqi Agim Poshka Ajtene Alketa Veisiu Alban Shehu Alban Skenderaj Alberti Alma Bektashi Altin Shira Anjeza Shahini Antigona Rustolli Antigona Sejdiu Ardian Trebicka Ardit Gjebrea Armend Shabani Armend Regjepagiqi Arsim Bunjaku Arta Bajrami Artan Aurela Aurora Aziz Murati B.B Poqi Brikena Beqiri Bedri Islami Besart Halimi Besim Dina Bertan Asllani Bekim Dehari Big Mama Bleona Qereti Blero Bujar Qamili Cima Cani Corona Da- Ligs Dava Gjergji Dj Cimi Dj Blunt Dj Toni Dj Afrim Dj Astro Shaqiri Duli 2 Po 2 Eda Zari Ela Mustafa Elsa Lila Eli Fara Elita 5 Eliza Hoxha Emine Hasimi Emine Toska Eranda Libohova Erion Korini Ermal Fejzullahu Ermira Babaliu Ermira Morina Faraoni G Fatma Zyberi Fatmire Berqani Fatime Kosumi Faton Macula Fitore Gjonbalaj Fjolla Krasniqi Flora Gashi Ganimete Abazi Ganimete Asllani Ganimete Jashanica Gazmend Rama Gentiana Ismaili Nika Gili Gjovani Gjyle Qollaku Gjyste Vulaj Gressa Behluli Hija Ilir Shaqiri Imer Bajrami(Kadancat) Irma Libohova Ismet Bexheti Ismet Bugujevci Ismet Peja Jehona Sopi Julka Kastriot Tusha Kumrie Mustafa Labi Ledina Qelo Leonora Jakupi Leonora Poloska Lule Bajra Mahmut Ferati Malsori Manjola Nalbani Marigona Mariza Ikonomi Mehdin Meda Mentor Kurtishi Mera Zymeri Merita Bunjaku Merita Halili
shum ifort bravo je 1-sh reperi ma mir bravo edhe qikjo kanga e re me sonin shim e mir tash hajde vizitoje pak prizren e kno para krjt prizrenit ne qender sportive
ReplyDeletehej ma mir mos folni shum per dukagjin se me jav majt ishi ardh e e kishi shkru emrin pra mos u perzini me neve a ma mir e kini e leni keyto tema e mos e flliqni web faqen se marre me ju ardh per djalet si jeni ka i folni a mu po me vjen marre per juve turp me pas
ReplyDeleteo ky osht lop krejt sdi kush e don more ky lop ma e mengme lopa se kang qe ky po qitke kukuuu ahahahh mos e ngoni pash zotin se tulifar katunari ju ka tek me knu sdi dj blunt a mos je shurdhu me zanin tond te gugjavt kerkun nuk ki me shku
ReplyDeleteHej veq pak se Dukagjin osht edhe Istogu,Peja,Gjakova,Klina.Ktu Deqani po e shan Prishtinen e jo krejt Dukagjini.Peace!E-boOx,Prishtine
ReplyDeleteje ma i mirriii te duaa !!!! kissS nga tetovarja
ReplyDeleteFuck'it krejt Prishtinen
ReplyDeletekrejt Mitrovic e Gjilan
e gjdo PidhVan
se Dukagjini
oshte nr1nja
ska ma mire se me qene Dukagjinas
tjerat vende jane krejt Kurva
Fuck'it krejt Prishtinen
ReplyDeletekrejt Mitrovic e Gjilan
e gjdo PidhVan
se Dukagjini
oshte nr1nja
ska ma mire se me qene Dukagjinas
tjerat vende jane krejt Kurva
hey o dukagjin qysh spot vjen marre more tum(MUT) se edhe ti po e flet gjuhen shqipe e po na ofendon neve ani kishe po di diqka na folum ndyrshe e anej knejse kerkush prej shqiptarve nuk thot PERR dhe PORR po thojn Për dhe Por oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kukuku t'kisha myt a
ReplyDeletehey o dakagjin tumi qi pom shtin met ofendu qysh po na ofendon ti neve qysh spot vjen marre more tum qi edhe ti po e flet gjuhen shqipe sikur na e po na ofendon neve.As na nuk thojna Porr dhe Perr po thojna normal si shqiptart tjer qysh na ka hije POR edhe PëR marre duhet met ardh nuk e mbron gjuhen e vet